Judas Priest

Birmingham, England, in 1969, Judas Priest is a pioneering heavy metal band known for their powerful vocals, dual lead guitars, and aggressive sound. Throughout their career, they have shaped heavy metal and have amassed a global fanbase.

The band's early albums, including "Rocka Rolla" (1974) and "Sad Wings of Destiny" (1976), established their signature sound and laid the foundation for their future success. With tracks like "Victim of Changes" and "The Ripper," they gained recognition for their aggressive style and dynamic performances.

Judas Priest reached new heights of popularity in the 1980s with albums like "British Steel" (1980) and "Screaming for Vengeance" (1982). These albums featured iconic songs such as "Breaking the Law," "Living After Midnight," and "You've Got Another Thing Comin'," which became metal anthems.

Judas Priest has faced controversy and criticism for their lyrics and imagery, particularly during the 1980s when they were accused of promoting satanic themes and Christians were even more afraid of everything than they typically are. The band maintained that their music is meant to entertain and inspire, rather than promote ideology. Other than that leather is essential, of course.

In addition to their commercial success, Judas Priest has been recognized for their influence on the heavy metal genre. They have inspired countless bands and musicians with their powerful riffs, soaring vocals, and dynamic stage presence.

Despite lineup changes, 'Priest' has remained a dominant force in heavy metal, continuing to release new music and tour extensively. Their enduring legacy and impact on the genre make them one of the most influential and beloved bands in the history of heavy metal.